It's that time of the year again, when our mood changes, everybody's anticipation for summer gets bigger and bigger and and a sense of refreshment is all over the place. Lovely, sunny days are here to stay and most of us get in the mood of making a new start, a massive clean out or anything really that would mean the end of those grey winter days.
Yes, we are talking about the spring! And for us, one of the best ways to leave winter behind and let the sun into our lives is travel of course. Spring break journeys are a refreshment to the soul and it comes with no surprise that many people choose spring even over summer for their travel adventures. Temperatures are almost ideal, the sun is warm but not too strong yet and rainfalls are rather rare, in Europe at least.
So, let's get down to business and share with you our favourite spring break destinations in Europe, hoping to inspire you.
Budapest, Hungary

One of our personal favourite spring memories is walking through Margaret's Island, enjoying the sun and taking photos under the booming magnolias aka pure bliss.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

If you've seen even at least one picture of Ljubljana, you'll know exactly how picturesque and fairytale like it is. Well, imagine that scenery combined with blooming trees and flowers and you'll see why we've included the Slovenian capital in this post's list!
Athens, Greece

The best way to avoid the crowds is to visit Athens before they do! Enjoy the sun without getting burnt and waste no time waiting in the long lines, which can't be skipped during summer.
Lyon, France

To our eyes Lyon defines the perfect combination of classy and colourful. Now, add spring mood to it and you'll have another of our favourite spring break destinations!
Alsace, France
Alsace is definitely worth visiting during spring, when you will be blessed enough to get lost into the region's picturesque villages and small towns, which that time of the year are beautifully ornated with colourful flowers of all kinds. Strasbourg and Colmar are highly recommended, if you're asking us!
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Lucerne, Switzerland

Maybe Switzerland's most colourful city, Lucerne will take your breath away all year round. However, springtime will allow you to enjoy the city under clear blue skies and impressive views of the Alps over the lake.